Problematic Online and Sexual Behaviors

Finding your way through the pain of unhealthy online behavior and toward effective healing and change.

How do I know if a behavior is a problem?

We are all individuals and the diversity of our behaviors reflects this fact!  When assessing whether someone’s behavior is a problem the best measure to use is whether this behavior causes problems for the individual.  Sometimes we may not label our behavior a problem but if a loved one, employer or law enforcement does then, the behavior is creating a problem.  I work with clients to explore the patterns and cycles of their behaviors, help them evaluate how these patterns impact their life and relationships, and develop resources for changing any undesired or unhealthy patterns.  

I don’t want to be labeled a Sex Addict.

It’s important not to let terms get in the way of getting help.  Benefical treatment does not depend on a specific label or diagnosis.  A thorough assessment of troubling behaviors and options for change is a fundamental part of my work with clients to successfully address the patterns and issues that keep them from living more satisfying and successful lives.  

My goal in therapy is to help individuals, couples and families find their way through the pain of unhealthy sexual behavior and toward effective healing and change.

Where should I start the healing process?

Start from right where you are!  There are many paths to healing, though most therapists with expertise in problematic sexual behavior or addiction understand there are key concepts to helping an individual or couple work toward recovery.  Some find that general information and self-assessment through websites like and is a first step in getting objective information and evaluating themselves.  Others benefit from engaging more deeply in self-help literature such as Cybersex Unhooked by David Delmonico & Elizabeth Griffin or Out of the Shadows by Patrick Carnes.

If you feel confused, hopeless, angry, paralyzed by shame or ready to maximize your healing efforts, I can help you clarify your feelings, establish goals and navigate the most effective path to change.

© Colleen J. Taylor, Ph.D. 2015